Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Discomfort Zone by Jonathan Franzen

I finished this memoir. It's mostly about his childhood. Though it does have a bit about his mother's death as well as the collapse of his first marriage. While the memoir is well written and intersting, there are two points I have to make in this short review.

1.) Why a memoir? Joan Didion's A Year of Magical Thinking was written for a reason. This one though seems like a distraction from his main job as a novelist. I enjoyed it but I still don't understand why he wrote this rather than a new novel.

2.) This memoir makes it clear that The Corrections is highly autobiographical.

I guess if you like the work of Mr. Franzen, then check this out. Otherwise, it might be better to find a better memoir. I still liked it a lot though. And I did like The Corrections a lot in case that makes a difference.

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